Monday, June 20, 2011

The "C" Wedding

Wow!  This was my first time shooting second camera on a wedding and gosh did I have a blast!! What a beautiful bride and such a down to earth group of people!   Thanks to DB Photography for setting me up with this one!  Keep your eyes open for our July wedding and hopefully many more to come!   

*interested in a wedding or know someone that is, have them contact me at or (859) 912-5333 

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Ashley and Brian

So this couple was referred to me through an old friend of my husbands...and boy were they fun!! We made do with the heat and enjoyed our time by the river!  By the end of the session I was a sweaty mess but Sweet Ashley was as beautiful as she was the moment she got there!  I had so much fun talking about baby "E," I can't wait until she arrives!


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