Saturday, March 19, 2011

The "M" Family

This family has been with me from the beginning and as I continue to grow as a photographer.  They have always given me such great feedback which in turn makes me strive to be who I am today!  There is never a dull moment with them, between Star Wars and wrestling moves, "E" is always keeping me on my toes-and little miss "K" is always right along side of him.  I love these two to pieces and enjoy watching them grow. Mom and Dad, you are wonderful roll models-keep on, keeping on!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Growing Girl

My Emilie is growing like a weed.  I wish I could freeze time and keep her little forever.  Here are a few from of early spring shoot at home!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


DMB Photography is updating this blog...stay tuned to catch up on all of our 2011 sessions!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


"T" is attempting his first modeling gig, and man is he right on track.  This timid yet well mannered little guy was a trooper.  It was freezing down by the river, but he did everything I asked and always followed it with a yes ma'am.

Good Luck "T" in all that you do.

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