Sunday, February 28, 2010

Birthday babies

Happy Birthday "Big E", gosh i can't believe how big he is and how sweet he is to baby K! These two kiddos could put a smile on anyones face! They are so down to earth without a care in the world. Mom and Dad have done an excellent job raising such sweet children! You can tell they are so loved!
I had a blast today and can't wait to take more pictures when it warms up! Thanks Mom and Dad for sharing your wonderful children with me!

Oh my and don't let me forget N! What a cutie patootie! We had to do a grandkids picture for Grandma, and it was an experience to say the least! These cousins love to party! They definitely are wildmen, but cute ones at that!

Here are just a some of my favs...

Monday, February 22, 2010

Baby W

I have never met such a couple in love and so deserving of a child! Mama and Daddy
will be excellent parents as they have been an excellent addition to our lives! I am so blessed that i was able to catch such a twinkle in Mama's eye and beauty in Daddy's heart! This little man sure does have them wrapped around his little finger already! We can't wait to meet you Baby W, we know you will be as handsome and Daddy and tenderhearted as Mama! Thanks Ben and Kim for giving me this amazing opportunity; It was certainly and honor and pleasure on my part!

Here are some of my favs, hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Welcome to my blog-I have been given the oppotunity to photograph some awesome couples, families and sweet children and I am excited to share my experiences with you! I am always looking for new adventures and places to shoot, so if you have any ideas shout them out!

I am very laid back and informal! I love to have fun and set the scene! There is beauty within everything and everyone, you must open your mind and heart to see it! Thanks for checking me out...

I would love to hear from you, you can contact me on here or at!

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